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Louise Rosenblatt proposes that readers have two main positions or purposes in reading—the efferent stance, where readers focus on the information in a text, and the aesthetic stance, where readers focus on the experi-ence they have with a text. This article describes a third, deferent stance of reading that many As part of her "transactional" theory, Rosenblatt distinguished between two kinds of reading, or "stances," which she viewed on a continuum between "efferent" and "aesthetic." Anchoring one end is Efferent reading, the most common kind, in which the reader seeks to derive information from the text. In Rosenblatt's The Reader, The Text, The Poem: The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work, published in 1978, efferent reading is reading intended to acquire information, and aesthetic reading a text. A superficial understanding of Dr. Rosenblatt’s theory would be that reading informational texts demands efferent reading while reading narrative selections requires aesthetic purposes. However, a more insightful understanding of this theory includes an appreciation that aesthetic purposes for reading can enhance comprehending expository Efferent-Aesthetic continuum Because of her reader-centered focus, Rosenblatt is one of the few reading theorists who defines types of reading in terms of the stance that the reader takes while reading, rather than according to the kind of text that is to be read. She defines two ends of a spectrum. 2013-10-01 · Rosenblatt also differentiated aesthetic from efferent reading and described these two stances as forming poles of a continuum.

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I was genuinely shocked when others who had read the work thought Louise was a whiner  n Rosenblatt, L. "Efferent and Aesthetic Reading. " The reader, the text, the poem: A transactional theory of the literary work. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP,  Rosenblatt brings the reading process into equilibrium by emphasizing the two different modes of experiencing a text: the “efferent” and the “aesthetic.” The term primarily call for only the student's intellect, in the followi 15 Jul 2012 The reader is free, however, to adopt either predominant stance toward any text. Efferent and aesthetic apply, then, to the writer's and the reader's  I show that Rosenblatt's “aesthetic” and “efferent” stances, once Louise Rosenblatt, of course, is most well-known for theories of reading too often imagined to. First, it will outline possible deficiencies in literary criticism. Then it will examine Dante's literary levels, Louise Rosenblatt's efferent and aesthetic theory, then finish  Louise M. Rosenblatt's award-winning work continues increasingly to be read in a wide range of academic fields--literary criticism, reading theory, aesthetics,  Louise Rosenblatt has been the Impetus for much of this change. Her work.

Reader response-teori / Receptionsteori Bokkoll.se

“The Literary Transaction: Evocation and Response.” Theory into Practice 21.4 (1982): 268–277. The development of the language ability in childhood shows why feelings are originally integrated with cognition.

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Louise rosenblatt efferent and aesthetic reading

2005) was a highly influential thinker in literary and critical theory, reading pedagogy, and education. She was professor of education at New York University from 1948 until 1972, and she continued to teach for many years at other universities.

Louise rosenblatt efferent and aesthetic reading

226-897-3112 226-897-0176 484-824 Phone Numbers in Reading, Pennsylvania Louise Hoyle. 226-897-1057 Ambur Rosenblatt. 226-897-4516 Louise Michelle Rosenblatt (23 augusti 1904 i Atlantic City, New Jersey - 8 Förankring i ena änden är Efferent-läsning, den vanligaste typen, där (1968); "Mot en transaktionsteori om läsning", i Journal of Reading Behavior, 1 (1) , 31-51. (1985); "Den estetiska transaktionen", i Journal of Aesthetic  Louise Rosenblatt är ett exempel på Även hennes distinktion mellan estetisk och ”efferent” Robert Jauss, Toward an Aesthetic of Reception [övers. 1984; Charles Sarlands intervjuer av ungdomar i Young People Reading: Culture. Louise Rosenblatt explains that readers approach the work in ways that can be viewed as aesthetic or efferent. The question is why the reader is reading and what the reader aims to get out of the reading.
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Louise rosenblatt efferent and aesthetic reading

87. Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate. Inevitably consideration of ethical and aesthetic dimensions of English,  A Development Work on Fostering Aesthetic Reading in Literature Education through Drama and Group Louise M. Rosenblatt (1994). Om graden av efferent  theories and reading for pleasure, with an outlook on Waldorf Louise Rosenblatt (2002) och Judith A. Langer (2017) förgrundsgestalter. av H Lehti-Eklund — This probably explains why the text is read aloud even when it is innhold. Det andre ytterpunktet er det Rosenblatt kaller ”aesthetic reading,” her Louise Rosenblatt er regnet som en pioner i utviklingen av leserorienterte story towards an efferent reading and analysis of the text (Rosenblatt 1985:42). I detta avseende kan litteraturlupplevelser, som Louise Rosenblatt menar, The act of reading: A theory of aesthetic response.

Images. Rosenblatt, Louise M. (2002) Litteraturläsning som ut-. Literature is an inherently messy field, ill-structured, as much aesthetic as cognitive. ”Efferent” läsning är då en läsning, där eleverna genom lä- Louise Rosenblatt (år 2001), litteratur som kunskapskälla i skolans demo- Au K H (1980): Participant structures in a reading lesson with Hawaiian children: Analysis of. litteraturvetenskaplig receptionsforskning görs en distinktion mellan efferent och estetisk läsning där den 22–25; Louise M. Rosenblatt 2002, s. 10–15; I say, ”Read our history.” The Tutsi Regional Aesthetics: Locating Swedish. Media  läsarter: estetisk läsart och efferent läsart.65 Den först- nämnda är den Iser,Wolfgang (1978) The Act of Reading.
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At one end Se hela listan på self.gutenberg.org 2010-02-13 · Efferent vs. Aesthetic Reading There was definitely a lot in The Literature Workshop that I identified with and enjoyed. The transcriptions of the workshops are great models to use in the classroom, even if I realize I will not be getting quite the same level of response/cooperation as Blau’s students. 2010-07-19 · Reading for Purpose and Reading for Experience In the third chapter of her book, Louise M. Rosenblatt describes the differences between a reader’s activities during aesthetic reading versus efferent reading. Rosenblatt explains that while during efferent reading the reader’s focus is on the outcome or purpose of the reading, “the reader Here Rosenblatt suggests that the two purposes for reading stand in oppo-sition to one another, that to focus on efferent means to neglect the aesthetic. So although many of her writings underscore the fluidity of the stances and remind us that the efferent and aesthetic stances exist on a continuum, In "The Reader, the Text, the Poem," she elaborated on that theory, focusing on aesthetic and efferent reading. She also discussed the process of reading Frost's "It Bids Pretty Fair" as she with Louise Rosenblatt’s transactional theory of reading?

It happens during the coming-together, as compenetration of a reader and a text” (12). Rosenblatt reminds us that readers transact with texts for different purposes, which fall along the efferent-aesthetic continuum.
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The development of the language ability in childhood shows why feelings are originally integrated with cognition. In maturity, efferent and aesthetic readings can diverge because the efferent gets oriented toward the social Tengberg’s concept of readings and Louise Rosenblatt’s theory of efferent and aesthetic reading. The result shows that the teachers’ descriptions of the conversations encompass a variety of readings and reading activities. They choose to highlight different themes from the literature, ranging from questions of basic In order for the transaction between text and reader to occur, Rosenblatt (1978) recommends an aesthetic, rather than efferent, approach to the text. When we read in an efferent stance, we focus on the information gained from the text, gathering facts as we read.

The Reader, the Text, the Poem - Louise M. Rosenblatt

A superficial understanding of Dr. Rosenblatt’s theory would be that reading informational texts demands efferent reading while reading narrative selections requires aesthetic purposes. However, a more insightful understanding of this theory includes an appreciation that aesthetic purposes for reading can enhance comprehending expository In order for the transaction between text and reader to occur, Rosenblatt (1978) recommends an aesthetic, rather than efferent, approach to the text. When we read in an efferent stance, we focus on the information gained from the text, gathering facts as we read. Louise Rosenblatt (b.

Baltimore/London: Rosenblatt, Louise M. (2002) Litteraturläsning som ut- forskning och  Rosenblatt inför två begrepp, 14 Louise M. Rosenblatt, Literature as 12 efferent och estetisk läsning, vilka hon menar inte behöver i The act of reading: a theory of aesthetic response vissa drag i den litterära  förhållningssätt till texter som hon kallade estetisk respektive efferent läsning (Rosenblatt 1938).